Iowa Brewing Updates
Check out the latest updates from the Iowa Craft Brewing community.
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Welcome to the Iowa Brewers Guild, a not-for-profit trade association of professional brewers of beer, cider and mead in Iowa. Over 100 breweries in the state are IBG members as well as many allied business members. Members or prospective members, learn more here.
Consider joining us. To be a part of the Iowa Brewers Guild or with any questions, please email
Like our medieval forebears who conceived the Guild concept, many of Iowa’s brewers understand that there’s strength in numbers. A fairly loose organization meeting in bars and around picnic tables until 2007, the Iowa Brewers Guild organized its efforts to showcase and improve the quality of Iowa beer, promote communication among the state’s brewers, advocate for the promotion of the local brewing community, and lobby for progressive changes in Iowa laws to benefit the state’s craft brewing industry.
A grassroots effort comprised of Iowa’s brewers and beer enthusiasts successfully lobbied for change and in March of 2010, Gov. Chet Culver signed S.F. 2088 into law. The law lifted the limit on brewing to 12% ABW (15.2% ABV) and restructured elements of distribution to bolster Iowa’s own breweries.
Since the law’s passage, the Iowa Craft Brewing industry has experience significant growth, doubling in size since 2014.
Today, craft beer culture—festivals, beer dinners, and tastings—continues to grow. Iowa brewers have received national and international awards and the Iowa Brewers Guild is pleased to be an ongoing part of that growth and development with educational and social opportunities for brewers and beer lovers alike.
Check out the latest updates from the Iowa Craft Brewing community.
News, awards, projects and MORE!
Check out the latest updates from the Iowa Craft Brewing community.
News, awards, projects and MORE!