Supporting OUr community
In partnership with the IA Wine and Beer Promotional Fund, the Iowa Brewers Guild is pleased to offer scholarship funds to support ongoing growth and leadership opportunities for breweries. Supporting continued brewery growth and quality is at the heart of the IBG’s mission. Please review the scholarship uses and processes below and reach out to Executive Director Noreen Otto with any questions.
Requirements for Application:
IA Brewers Guild Education Grant recipients must be employed at an Iowa-based brewery in good standing as members of the IA Brewers Guild. Priority will be given to breweries demonstrating need and first-time applicants.
Brewery leadership or individuals can apply for reimbursement. Members are welcome to submit multiple nominations, as long as a separate nomination form is submitted for each candidate.
Qualifying Uses:
The IBG Educational Grant is to be used for reimbursement of educational expenses to support and grow the quality of product brewed in the state as well as the leadership and training of brewing staff. Scholarship funds can be sought for, but are not limited to, the opportunities listed below:
- IA Brewers Education Conference (IBEST)
- Cicerone Training/Certification
- Craft Brewers Conference
- Brewery Related Leadership or Equipment Training
IBG Grant Funds can be used to reimburse registration fees or attending educational events and can include supporting educational materials. Scholarship funds cannot be used to reimburse travel, meals, or lodging. Applicant can seek and be awarded all submitted fees or a portion of the requested amount.
IBG Grants are awarded on a rolling basis throughout the fiscal year (July 1-June 30). Applications are considered at regularly scheduled IBG Board Meetings. Applications will be considered until annual funds are depleted.
Application and Review Process:
The scholarship application can be found HERE
Applications should be sent, along with all supporting documents, to IBG Executive Director Noreen Otto (
The application must be fully completed by applicant. Incomplete applications cannot be considered.
Each application will be reviewed by the IA Brewers Guild Executive Director and submitted for Board approval at the following IBG Board Meeting. If a member of the nominating committee is affiliated with a nominated organization (brewery, initiative, non-profit, etc.), the board member will be asked to recuse themselves from discussions and deliberations concerning the nominated organization.
Applicants can be granted all or a portion of the requested reimbursement.